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final project

HSE 101 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric Overview Human services professionals work in a variety of settings such as hospitals, mental health centers, addiction treatment programs, child welfare, courts, probation, schools, and food banks. This course serves as...

Eyewitness recollection

Part 1 Eyewitness Recollection In many trials, at least one factor that is considered is the testimony of eyewitnesses. And in trials where additional evidence is minimal, the testimony of the eyewitness(es) may end up carrying a lot of weight. This week, you will be...

Fundamentals of Finance disscussion

Based upon the content in Topic 1, why do businesses focus their attention on maximizing shareholder value rather than just maximizing profits? Based upon the content in Topic 2, why do some experts consider maximizing shareholder value or wealth a dumb idea? What...

Business Question

Scenario JM&P Health Communications and Results Health Communications Company Merger You have been hired as consultant to provide support during a major company merger. Following the resignation of its CEO, JM&P Health Communications will merge with Results...