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AW Part 1

Case Study 1

Inpatient Discharge Summary

The patient, Jessica Jones, is a 70-year-old African-American female with a long history of multiple fractures dating back to 1992.

Case Study 2

Outpatient Office Encounter

Carol Champion is a 46-year-old retired professional ice skater who was seen initially by Physical Therapy on 12/30/10. She indicates that she fell on her left shoulder and arm while ice skating on 12/29/09. She was first seen by Beth Ranowski and given Codman’s exercises. The patient continued to have shoulder pain and saw Dr. Owens on 1/04/10 and was referred for physical therapy due to her complaints of limited range of motion in the left shoulder secondary to pain. Her assessment was rotator cuff of the left shoulder with limitations in active range of motion.

Question 1

Review the Inpatient Discharge Summary of Jessica Jones (Case Study 1) and provide the following in your post.

What does it mean in the spinal X-ray when it says, “These could not be ruled out as new or old fractures?”
What other terms in this case study refer to structures and conditions of the musculoskeletal system?

Question 2

Review the outpatient encounter of Carol Champion (Case Study 2)and provide the following in your post.

What advice would you offer Carol Champion regarding what she should do if the physical therapy does not resolve the shoulder pain?

Question 3

What are the major structures of the bone and their respective subcategories?
Define each term into its common word parts. Write these word parts in sequence; use a slash when necessary to indicate a combining vowel.

AW Part 2

Check attachment that says A and P module 2

Who has broken one (or more) bones, or knows someone who has?
What kind of bone was fractured (long, flat, irregular, or short bone), and how did it happen?
What kind of break was it?

LW Part 3

There are six images listed, and they are Director, Navigator, Caretaker, Coach, Interpreter, and Nurturer. Read the full s of each.

Consider the following questions, provide responses, and then discuss your colleagues’ responses in this week’s discussion.

Is it likely that most people will have one dominant image of change management? Why? Why not?
Are change leaders more likely to be successful if they remain faithful to their dominant style(s)? Why? Why not?
Are change leaders who have the capacity to apply a range of different images more likely to be successful? Why? Why not?
In your judgment, do most managers have the behavioral flexibility to move between different styles, or do they tend to apply just one or a limited range of approaches? Explain.

MW Part 4

Let’s begin our discussion on recruitment by using a fact pattern from a litigated case. Cone Mills Corporation had several recruiting procedures that gave preferential treatment to applicants who either had family members or friends working for the company. One of these procedures was to give priority to applicants who had family members employed by the company. The other procedure entailed having an unwritten policy that walk-in applicants had to have renewed every 2 weeks. This created a situation where only those walk-in applicants who had friends or family in the company would renew their applications because they would be the only ones informed of the informal rule, which was not presented in any manual or policy. These recruiting procedures were challenged as being discriminatory toward blacks in general, especially black women, because the informal network responsible for recruiting new employees was unavailable to them. The company claimed that the procedures were not designated to be discriminatory, but rather, to create a loyal family atmosphere within the plant (Lea v. Cone Mills Corp., 3001 F. Supp. 97).

Should employers be able to recruit through employee referrals and word-of-mouth? Does the law allow for such a recruitment technique? What specific restrictions does Title VII place on an employer’s ability to recruit and hire? As part of this discussion, refer to the cases of EEOC v. Chicago Miniature Lamp Works and EEOC v. Consolidated Service System

LC Part 5

Select an organization. It could be one that you are currently employed with, one that you used to work for, or one in which you have familiarity with their organization. Identify the organization by name or industry type (if you would rather not reveal the name in the discussion). Complete a bit of research on your selected organization. Determine the organization’s strategic management, planning, implementation, and monitoring process.

How effective is their strategic management process?
How well does their strategic management process align with their results? How can you tell?
What factors contribute to their overall effectiveness?

Briefly present and discuss such aspects. If there are many, select the top three to discuss.

KD part 6

Please state a transaction and its impact on the Balance Sheet equation. You should try to select a transaction that has not already been selected by a fellow learner.

This is the transaction

Our company pays dividends of $5,000 to the shareholders.

We must ask ourselves what type of account is dividends and how we would pay the stockholders.

Dividends is a direct withdrawal from equity as you learned last week, and we would pay the stockholders with cash.

The dividend account takes away from retained earnings, which is an equity account, and cash is an asset account.

To reduce an equity account, we must debit the account, and to reduce an asset account, we must credit the account.

The equation will remain in balance because we will have a $5,000 reduction on the debit or left-hand side of the balance sheet equation and a $5,000 reduction on the credit or right-hand side of the balance sheet equation

AEW part 7

Please state a transaction and its impact on the Balance Sheet equation. You should try to select a transaction that has not already been selected by a fellow learner.

This is the transaction.

Our company pays utilities of $2,000.

We must ask ourselves what type of account is utilities and how we would pay for the utilities.

Utilities is an expense account and we would pay the utility bill with cash.

Expense accounts take away from retained earnings, which is an equity account, and cash is an asset account.

To reduce an equity account, we must debit the account, and to reduce an asset account, we must credit the account.

The equation will remain in balance because we will have a $2,000 reduction on the debit or left-hand side of the balance sheet equation and a $2,000 reduction on the credit or right-hand side of the balance sheet equation.

SA part 8

Case Study 1

Inpatient Discharge Summary

The patient, Jessica Jones, is a 70-year-old African-American female with a long history of multiple fractures dating back to 1992.

Case Study 2

Outpatient Office Encounter

Carol Champion is a 46-year-old retired professional ice skater who was seen initially by Physical Therapy on 12/30/10. She indicates that she fell on her left shoulder and arm while ice skating on 12/29/09. She was first seen by Beth Ranowski and given Codman’s exercises. The patient continued to have shoulder pain and saw Dr. Owens on 1/04/10 and was referred for physical therapy due to her complaints of limited range of motion in the left shoulder secondary to pain. Her assessment was rotator cuff of the left shoulder with limitations in active range of motion.

Question 1

Review the Inpatient Discharge Summary of Jessica Jones (Case Study 1) and provide the following in your post.

What does it mean in the spinal X-ray when it says, “These could not be ruled out as new or old fractures?”
What other terms in this case study refer to structures and conditions of the musculoskeletal system?

Question 2

Review the outpatient encounter of Carol Champion (Case Study 2)and provide the following in your post.

What advice would you offer Carol Champion regarding what she should do if the physical therapy does not resolve the shoulder pain?

Question 3

What are the major structures of the bone and their respective subcategories?
Define each term into its common word parts. Write these word parts in sequence; use a slash when necessary to indicate a combining vowel.

SA part 9

you will write a thoughtful paragraph in which you provide one piece of financial advice that you have learned from experience or gotten from someone else.

Instructions for your initial post, due by Wednesday:

1st sentence: The piece of financial advice you would like to share.
2nd sentence: A reason or example that supports the point you made in the first sentence.
3rd sentence: An additional reason or example that supports the point you made in the first sentence.
4th sentence: A final reason, or example, that supports the point you made in the first sentence.