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Unit 5 – Discussion Board

Legal Aspects of Business Decisions(MGT525-2305B-02)

Ibrahim Vandi


Workplace Legalities and Sexual harassment

All employees deserve a workplace that is physically and emotionally safe ,where they can focus on their job responsibilities .The employees also to obtain some fulfilment rather worrying about dangerous conditions, harassment and discrimination. Employees are protected in their workplaces by the numbers of laws enacted at both state and at Federal levels. Act of 1964,Title V11 of the civil right deals with discrimination in employment which bans employees in hiring and firing ,promotion practices on the basis of sex ,national origin , color, religion or race. Without Title V11 ACT of 1964, workplaces would have subjected to rise of violence, some of these violence include the following (1) Cases of sexual harassment (2) Hostile work environment(s) (3) Bullying (4) Retaliation. The Civil right also created the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

A common type of illegal sex discrimination in a work place is sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is actionable under Title V11 any if it so sense or persuasive as to alter the conditions of victims employment and create an abusive working environment. In this situation ,her co-workers and manager subjected her to unwelcome and offensive sexual comments. According to her, she experienced sexually harassed comments or words in her workplace including ” I love your beautify lips” “Your Butt is better than any celebrity. This discriminatory conduct was physically threating and humiliating or a mere offensive utterances seriously that affected her physiological wellbeing that unreasonably interfered with her work performance. She claimed that there were repeated vulgar discussions about her body part as she saw a nude female picture pinned to one of the rigs with her name written at the bottom of the picture. She complained to her manger ,but the offensive conduct was “accepted and tolerated ” by her manager’s comment “let us ignore it for a while” Her manager knew about the problem but failed to take prompt and reasonable steps to correct the situation.

She has her legal right to have equal employment opportunity as stated by the civil right ACT V11. Second, she has her legal right to be protected (3) She has her legal right not to be discriminated because of her protected category as such sex ,natural origin.

As a manger , i will take a prompt and reasonable steps to investigate and to take necessary correct measures such as moving the harasses away from the plaintiff employee by transferring them to other departments.

As a manager, i will exercise a reasonable care to prevent and correct promptly any sexual harassing behavior and for the plaintiff employee to take advantage of any preventive or corrective opportunities provided by my leadership.

As a manager, I will provide training in sexual harassment workplace to all my employees.

Remember Title V11 requires an employee to file a complain concerning discriminatory practice with the EEOC within 180 days of its happening. Employers are liable for acts that occurred before 180 days of the EEOC filing if they are part of a single hostile environment that continued within the 180 days period.


Marisa , Anne .Pagnattaro (2019 ) The legal and Regulatory Environment of Business .(9th edn )

Miranda, Valbrune & Renee , D. Assis (2003) Business law and Essentials

Renee Brown

Workplace Harassment

Workplace harassment must be taken seriously. It hurts the well-being and job satisfaction of an individual. In the situation depicted, a woman oil rigger is subjected to comments that she would find unwelcome at best and explicit actions. In this situation, the woman’s oil rigger is being sexually harassed, and her legal rights are violated. Sexual harassment is against various anti-discriminatory laws, including Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in America (Pappoe, 2019). All these unwanted comments about her body, callous remarks, and the display of a nude picture with her name in the workplace create an extremely hostile work environment for the employee. Sexual harassment is considered to be sex discrimination, and the latter is prohibited under Title VII. An employee who experiences this situation has the right to complain and may be entitled to legal redress (compensation) and changes in workplace policies (Calvasina, 2019-p.87).

If I were the site manager in such a case, my first duty would be to end harassment promptly and effectively. Such behavior is not only unethical, but it’s also illegal to ignore or dismiss. As the site manager I would carefully take in the allegations and guarantee the confidentiality and protection of the complainant. Depending on the seriousness of their misconduct, harassers may be subject to appropriate discipline: reprimands, canning out, or counseling at work. In addition to this, I will also take preventive action. Every employee should be given harassment prevention training; there must also be a clearly defined anti-harassment policy.

Asking the female oil rigger to “fit in” is offensive and reinforces a lousy work environment. Tolerating harassment with the excuse of adjusting fit sends employees a wrong signal and could lead to a culture of silence and fear. The site manager is responsible for creating an environment where diversity is valued, individual rights are respected, and a culture of mutual respect exists.

In conclusion, the female oil rigger harassed at work has anti-discrimination rights. The site manager must respond quickly, investigate, and prevent the issue. Employees should not be told to “fit in” morally or legally. A safe and effective workplace requires a culture that promotes diversity, inclusion, and respect.



Pappoe, Y. N. (2019). The shortcomings of Title VII for the Black female plaintiff. U. Pa. JL & Soc. Change, 22, 1.

class: Business Research and Decision Making:MGT510


Ernest Jackson



In formal research reporting, reporting structures help relay and present the findings in a manner that could adequately answer research questions or fix a problem. The current paper presents a problem-solving scenario where a research process was adopted. The paper also includes the reporting structure that helped fix the problem.
The Problem-Solving scenario
One scenario in which I demonstrated problem-solving skills involved a sentinel event that led to the death of a patient in a medical center in which I was an administrator. The 70-year-old patient had presented complaints of vomiting and nausea. The physician who attended her prescribed pegfilgrastim instead of filgrastim, a medication administration error that caused the patient’s death. Though both pegfilgrastim and filgrastim stimulate white blood cell growth, filgrastim should be administered in multiple doses (Parker et al., 2023). The clinicians gave multiple doses of pegfilgrastim that caused respiratory distress syndrome. The event cost a death claim of $700,000, as passed by a judge two years later.
We performed a root-cause analysis with all the relevant stakeholders to explore all the possible cause-effect consequences. The exercise revealed several human-related and patient-related factors and lapses in communication along the chain of medication administration. Most importantly, procedures and policies were unavailable to prevent such errors, coupled with noncompliance among clinicians.
Reporting Structure and How the Problem got Solved
In reporting the research results, the chronological reporting structure was useful to explain the time order of events that led to the event. However, since all the root-cause factors were not only tied to time, the theory-building structure was useful in explaining relationships among other factors that contributed to the event. The results were useful in preventing future medication errors by helping the management fix root problems rather than addressing the face factors around the problem. For example, medication administration policies and procedures were tightened instead of merely suspending the prescribing physician, human-related factors in clinical practice were considered more closely, and medication-driven technology was set up to improve consultations and communication among clinicians.
The scenario analyzed involved a medication administration error that led to a patient’s death. A root-cause analysis of the problem helped reveal the collective weaknesses that contributed to the event. Through chronological reporting and the theory building structres help present results and prevent such errors from occurring.

Parker, S. D., King, N., & Jacobs, T. (2023, December 4). Pegfilgrastim. StatPearls – NCBI Bookshelf. Retrieved December 19, 2023, from

Kelli Foniqi


In a recent work scenario, I was tasked with investigating and resolving a decline in customer satisfaction. To address this issue, I employed a comparative reporting structure, analyzing customer feedback through both quantitative metrics and qualitative insights gathered from surveys and social media channels. The comparative analysis allowed me to identify patterns and correlations within the data. Once the root causes were determined, I structured the report chronologically, outlining the sequence of events that led to the decline in customer satisfaction. Additionally, I applied a theory-building approach to highlight emerging themes and relationships, providing a comprehensive understanding of the underlying issues. Presenting these findings to the management team, the structured report not only illuminated the causes but also proposed strategic solutions. The chronological framework helped in illustrating the cause-and-effect sequences, while the comparative and theory-building elements provided a nuanced perspective. This reporting approach facilitated a holistic understanding for the management team, enabling them to make informed decisions and implement effective solutions, ultimately improving customer satisfaction and addressing the initial business question.