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Respond to at least two colleagues who identified different needs and resources:

Recommend an additional resource and explain how it could be of benefit to the Bargas family.
Or, recommend a complementary resource to a need similar to one you identified, and explain how it could further benefit the Bargas family.
Caitlyn A Bullert (She/Her)MondayDec 25 at 10:58am
Since Mr. Bargas will no longer be able to work I would suggest that they file for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) through the Social Security Administration. He would qualify for this since he has worked in the past otherwise he would have to apply for Supplemental Security Income (SSI). In St. Mary’s County Health Department, there is a program called SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery (SOAR). The program was designed by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to assist people in obtaining either SSI or SSDI and improve the outcome of their application. SSDI will help lessen the financial burden for Ms. Bargas since they will receive monthly benefits and Medicare which could assist with home health care for Mr. Bargas. The next resource that is needed is home health care for Mr. Bargas. St. Mary’s County is rural so this is more of a challenge but for medical appointments, he could receive some of the best care through John Hopkins Hospitals and transportation could be provided by the St. Mary’s County Health Department. The University of Maryland Charles Regional Medical Center recommends Chesapeake-Potomac Home Health Agency which will start services within 24 hours after receiving orders from a medical doctor. According to the website, Chesapeake-Potomac Home Health Agency provides nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy. Another resource needed would be for Ms. Bargas, to either a support group or counseling to help her adjust to new life circumstances. Serenity Place offers counseling for grief, coping skills, and lifespan changes. Ms. Bargas has had major life changes and she needs assistance in adapting to her new circumstances. Serenity Place could assist her in adapting to the new life circumstances by having counseling for the specific needs she is coping with. St. Mary’s County Health Department could also help with referrals to other organizations that offer support services. Unfortunately, resources to assist Ms. Bargas could be limited due to this being a rural county and not having the assets that could be provided in a place such as Baltimore, though with telehealth there could be other means.ReferenceContact Us | SOAR Works! (n.d.). to an external site.Home health. UM Charles Regional Medical Center. (n.d.). to an external site.Services. Serenity Place, LLC. (2022, February 7). to an external site.Social Security. SSA. (n.d.). to an external site.

Joette Lynn Carpenter TuesdayDec 26 at 3:19pm
Joette Carpenter Week 5 Discussion 1 Gen. Practice III Main Post Identify three needs that the Bragas family has for which the social worker could offer resources: The Bargas family in the video Southside Community Services could use help with meals, therapy, and nurse aide to come into help why Mrs. Bargas is at work, maybe set up rides for Mr. Bargas to get to his therapy if Mrs. Bargas cannot take him due to her working so he can continue his speech and physical therapy. Using your own community as a point of reference, identify organizations and//or agencies that could address these needs: Through my community, there is Your Ride, Meals on Wheels, Catholic Charities, in-home care- Visting Angels, Department of Human Services. Explain how these organizations or agencies could help the Bargas family: Your ride is a service that helps people for a small fee to get to doctor appointments and things that they cannot do alone. This could help Mrs. Bragas get Mr. Bargas to his speech and physical therapy appts while she is at work. Meals on Wheels can help deliver meals to the house this is a program that serves meals to people who are disabled and cannot cook or feed themselves. The Department of Human Services could hopefully give her ideas about a nurse coming in and helping Mr. Bargas eat, dress, and things, why Mrs. Bargas is working. References: Michigan Department of Health and Human Services https://www.michigan.govLinks to an external site. MTA Flint (Your Ride) https://www.mtaflint.orgLinks to an external site. Walden University, LLC. (Producer). (2017). Southside Community Services: Mrs. Bargas, Episode 4 [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Respond to two colleagues who identified different techniques used to develop common themes in their literature review in one of the following ways:
Describe how your colleague’s techniques may help you.
Offer a helpful technique to your colleague.
Emily Egbert TuesdayDec 26 at 7:41pm
Explain the purpose of organizing materials for a literature reviewA literature review is a systematic method for identifying, evaluating, interpretating others research on a specific topic. The purpose of organizing a review is to understand the topic, what has already been done on it, how it has been researched, and what are the key issues (Marshall, 2010). Organizing one’s materials for a literature review can help ensure that there is an effective way to record information from the search. When everything is recorded it is easier for the reader to comprehend the information that is being studied. Describe different techniques you used or will use to develop common themes for categories and subcategories in your literature reviewDifferent techniques that can be used to develop themes throughout the literature review would be to organize the review in order of most relevant or most recently published. This way the reader can understand and have a better idea of the background of the topic and how it has been studied up until this point. Another way to organize the review would be to categorize the reviews by how the data was collected; which methodology was used. Reference:Marshall, G. (2010). Writing… a literature review.Links to an external site.Links to an external site. Synergy, 20–23.
Nicole Macrae WednesdayDec 27 at 10:25am
The purpose of a literature review is to gain knowledge on a topic: what has been researched on it and how that research was conducted, what the key issues are, and background (Marshall, 2010). This overarching purpose should also be at the forefront of organizing material for a literature review. Organizing of the material for a literature review helps to ensure that you are utilizing relevant materials that apply to the research question at hand, provide necessary background information on the topic, and that you can summarize research already done on the topic. It helps to filter out any research that does not apply to the topic directly or is otherwise extraneous as well.For my literature review, I will be categorizing research based on relevance to the research question, background on the topic to help develop a “baseline” understanding of the research question, and then organizing the research materials in chronological order (newest to oldest).ReferenceMarshall, G. (2010). Writing… a literature review..Links to an external site. Synergy, 20–23.