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CRST 290

Research Paper: Annotated Bibliography Assignment Instructions


For this assignment, you will provide a total of at least five sources and briefly summarize their relevance to your paper. You must follow current Turabian format for all citations.

Two of these sources will be books, book chapters, journal articles, substantive web articles or online videos from a proponent explaining a non-traditional view of Genesis 1. Only one online video is allowed, the other source must be a written text.
Three additional citations from young-Earth creation journals, books, substantive web articles, or online videos are required for a critique of the non-traditional view. To find recommendations of where to find sources like these, see the Research Paper: Annotated Bibliography Assignment Resources. One source must come from the list of theology-trained 24-hour day proponents listed below. Only one online video is allowed, the other sources must be written texts.
Following each citation, you will provide a brief, 60–80-word of the source, highlighting its relevance to the view you have chosen to study.

Notable theology-trained proponents of the traditional 24-hour day, young-Earth view include:

William Barrick
Todd Beall
Stephen Boyd
Andrew Kulikovsky
Terry Mortenson
Hans Madueme
Thane Ury
William VanDoodewaard
John Whitcomb

Module 6: The Quest

Last week you read a substantial portion of The Quest by creation biologist Dr. Todd Wood. Based on your reading, please discuss the following:

What did you consider to be the strongest argument that he presents for young Earth creation? Why is that?
What did you consider to be the most difficult problem facing young-Earth creation?

In your post, please provide TWO additional sources that discuss the topics you chose (one source for each). Sources can be Faith, Form, and Time, Is Genesis History, or another source such as a book, journal article, or article from a organizational website . If choosing the latter, suggestions include the Discussion Assignment Resources below.

EVAN 201

Gospel Presentation Assignment Instructions


For this assignment, you are required to do the following:

Video Interview
You will show your video presentation to three (3) random people in their community who are not associated in any way with Liberty University.
You will want to tell the person that you were required to complete an assignment by video and needed their input as to their response to it. Tell them that this should not take much time but that you are thankful that you are grateful for their time and input.
You will ask each person to answer the following questions:
i.Before the person watches your video, ask the first question: What does the phrase “the gospel” mean to you? This question is to be asked prior to the person watching the video so you can assess their initial level of gospel awareness.
ii.After the person has watched your video, ask the second question: Have you heard “this message” before? By asking this question, you are inquiring if the person has ever heard the gospel message explain in terms of the six component parts.
iii.After the person has responded to the second question, ask the third question: What is your first impression of the video content? You will discover that people (no matter their spiritual condition) will be very willing to offer their personal comments in regard to how you did in either positive and/or negative ways.
As each person answers each question, note what answers they provide.
Once the questions have been answered, tell them “Thank you” and offer to pray for them. Ask each person if there are prayer needs that you can pray for in the future. You will want to keep a record of these and honestly communicate that you will pray for these needs.
Compose a Report
You will compose a 500 – 600 word synopsis.
The synopsis will include a summary of the responses:
i.Summarize the responses to the first question.
ii.Summarize the responses to the second question.
iii.Summarize the responses to the third question.
iv.Summarize the responses to the prayer requests.
The synopsis will include a paragraph noting what you personally learned about yourself and the doing of evangelism (presenting your gospel message video). This paragraph will help you begin to think through what you would like to share in the Discussion: Gospel Presentation Assessment with your fellow students.
Include the weblink to your video presentation in the report.

You must use the Gospel Presentation Template documents to complete these two assignments so as to help you format them correctly.

Module 5: Gospel Presentation Assessment

Share your Gospel Presentation with the class by posting the weblink to your presentation video. Also, address the following discussion points with as many details as possible for each discussion point:

Discuss one (1) gospel component that you did well in explaining.
Discuss one (1) gospel component that you would have explained differently to improve your presentation of the gospel.
While interviewing your three (3) viewers, what did you find most surprising and/or meaningful about his/her responses? Also, what did you find the most encouraging?

RLGN 301

Research Project: Thesis And Outline Assignment Instructions


For this assignment, you will utilize your research to begin work of pre-writing by developing a thesis statement and outline. This assignment provides you with the opportunity to get feedback on the strength of your thesis statement and argumentation for the paper.


Using the Research Project: Thesis and Outline Template, you will produce your thesis statement and an outline to support that statement. To use the template, simply remove the instructions included [inside the brackets] and replace with your own information following the instructions provided there. Below are the detailed intructions for each part of the assignment.


The thesis statement is one sentence that clearly answers the research question you asked by stating the primary argument for the paper.
The thesis statement should not be a question.
The thesis statement should not reference “this paper” or “this research” as these tend to lead to purpose statements for the paper rather than central arguments.
The thesis should be substantive and debatable, meaning a reasonable argument could be presented to dispute the claim of the thesis.
A basic thesis statement will include three constituent parts: 1) states the general argument, 2) offers a why or because claim, and 3) adds details to support that claim.
Example: While conflict lingers between the Young Earth Creationist’s reading of yôm in Genesis 1:5 as a 24-hour unit and the Old Earth Creation’s understanding of yôm as a finite epoch, both interpretations may find unity through upholding of the literary, lexical, syntactical, and contextual authority of Scripture.


The outline should use one complete sentence for each point. The outline should not contain any questions. Instead, each point must be one complete declarative sentence that clearly represents the argument you plan to make in the paper.
If your thesis is substantial and well-developed, it should point to your main points for the outline.
You may have as many main points and sub-points as you need to; however, each level must have at least two points (i.e., for every A there must be a B, for every 1 there must be a 2, etc.).
Remember that the maximum word limit for the paper itself is 2500 words, so the outline should reflect that scope and not exceed that limit.
Be sure to consider which sources you’ll use to support each point of your outline.

Module 5: Peer-Review Introduction Paragraph

The introduction paragraph is the first building block of the paper. As such, it carries significant weight for establishing the argument and tone of the paper. In this discussion, you are going to post your introduction paragraph for your peers to review. Your introduction should be one paragraph closely following the course instruction for developing an introduction. The introduction should reflect a funnel approach, working from a general topic, through a scholarly bridge, to a specific thesis statement.