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Section 1)

For your workbook this week, you will reflect on the section of the Sexological Assessment on sexual exploitation. Then you will do the following:

Complete a journal assignment about your comfort level related to sexual exploitation.
Identify professional development opportunities related to sexual exploitation.
Identify at least three resources to which you could refer clients who are experiencing or have experienced some type of sexual exploitation for your Resource List, due in Week 9
Part 2)
Appendix A: Sexological Professional Development Activities
Appendix B: Sexological Resource List for Clients
Appendix C: Sexological Assessmen.
Reflect on the “Healthy Sexual Functioning” section of the Sexological Assessment. Challenge
yourself to answer one or more of the questions from the assessment for your own growth,
self-awareness, and edification. Do not submit your answers in the Sexological Assessment.
Instead, answer the questions below:
1. What is your comfort level when you consider asking your clients about masturbation? Consider
practicing talking about masturbation—either to yourself, a safe family member, or trusted friends—to help increase your comfort level.
2. Describe your comfort level when you consider asking your clients about climaxing and orgasms.
Then, practice talking about climaxing and orgasms—either to yourself, a safe family member, or
trusted friends—to help increase your comfort level. Share in a sentence or two how this experience
was for you.
Professional Development
Go to Appendix A and provide three specific professional development activities to increase
your competency, knowledge, and/or comfortability with positive sexuality and sexual
functioning. If needed, review the criteria for the Professional Development Activity List and
Presentation here.
Client Resource List
Go to Appendix B and provide at least three resources from which elderly clients or clients who
are differently abled can learn more about healthy sexual functioning and positive sexuality.
These resources do not need to be local or regional. These resources can be web based or
written, such as a book or article. If needed, there are more detailed instructions under Week 1
Sexual Dysfunction and Health/Medical
Reflect on the “Sexual Dysfunction” section of the Sexological Assessment. Challenge
yourself to answer one or more of the questions from the assessment for your own
growth, self-awareness, and edification. Do not submit your answers in the Sexological
Assessment. Instead, answer the questions below:
1. Describe your comfort level when considering the questions from the “Sexual Dysfunction”
section. Would you feel comfortable answering these questions for yourself in a private,
safe counseling session? Why or why not?
2. In your Discussion this week, you had to choose one of three case studies. Now, choose a different
case study and respond to the following:
Describe an intervention you would use with the client you chose.
Explain the intervention in detail and tell how you would apply it to the particular case that you
chose. Justify why you chose this intervention by citing at least one resource.
Professional Development
Go to Appendix A and provide three specific professional development activities to increase
your competency, knowledge, and/or comfortability with sexual dysfunction and
health/medical factors. If needed, review the criteria for the Professional Development List and
Presentation here.
Client Resource List
Go to Appendix B and provide at least three resources to which you could refer a client who is
experiencing any sexual dysfunction or has a health/medical problem related to sex. For
example, consider local medical providers such as local OBGYN, urologist, or local HIV center. If
there are a lack of local resources, these resources can be the same as Week 2. The resources
should be as local as possible for clients to access. If needed, there are more detailed
instructions in Week 1 here.
: Pleasure and Sexual Lifestyles
Reflect on the “Pleasure and Sexual Lifestyles” section of the Sexological Assessment. Then
respond to the following questions:
1. Have you considered these questions for yourself before?
?Some of these questions
2. What is your emotional response when you consider these questions for yourself?
3. Describe your comfort level when you consider asking your clients these questions.
4. How might your comfort level be influenced by the similarities or differences between you and your
clients, such as differences of your own pleasure and sexual lifestyle? Picture yourself working with
a client with a different preference or think back if you have had this experience before. Note any
feelings that emerge for you.
Professional Development
Go to Appendix A and provide three specific professional development activities to increase
your competency, knowledge, and/or comfortability with pleasure and sexual lifestyles. If
needed, review the criteria for the Professional Development List and Presentation here.
Client Resource List
Go to Appendix B and provide at least three resources you could share with a client for pleasure
and sexual lifestyles. If you do not have any local resources, these can be web based. You are
encouraged to see if there are local centers for sex-positive culture, erotic festivals, or local
munches. If needed, there are more detailed instructions under Week 1 here.
Week 9: Sexual Exploitation and Out-of-Control
Sexual Behavior
Reflect on the “Sexual Exploitation” section of the Sexological Assessment. Then
respond to the following questions:
1. Describe your comfort level working with survivors of sexual exploitation, such as domestic violence
and/or sexual assault (e.g., rape). What is your comfort level when you consider asking your clients
the questions under the “Sexual Exploitation” section of the assessment?
2. How might your comfort level be influenced by the similarities or differences between you and your
clients, such as gender differences?
3. Describe your comfort level in working with clients who may be perpetrators of sexual assault or have
out of control sexual behaviors. What is your comfort level in working with this population?
Professional Development
Go to Appendix A and provide three specific professional development activities to increase
your competency, knowledge, and/or comfortability with sexual exploitation. If needed, review
the criteria for the Professional Development List and Presentation here.
Client Resource List
Go to Appendix B and provide at least three resources to which you could refer a client who has
experienced sexual exploitation or has been involved as a perpetrator. For example, are there
specialists in your area who identify as certified sex addiction therapists, or are there local
domestic violence support groups? The resources should be as local as possible for clients to
access. If needed, there are more detailed instructions under Week 1 here.
Wrap Up
Reflect on your time in this class and all the work you have done. Then respond to the
following questions:
1. Think back on what you have learned in this course. In what areas have you experienced
growth? What are some things that you might want to continue to grow in or areas that
you may want to learn more about?
2. Review the Comfort Scale you marked throughout the workbook. Looking back, share whether you
feel your comfort level has changed throughout the quarter. How might your current comfort level
impact your work with clients with issues related to sex and sexuality?

CASE STUDY: Case Study 2:During her annual visit to her gynecologist, Nancy, 48, complained about menopausal symptoms. Her physician asked her about pain during sexual activity, and Nancy shared that sex has always been painful for her. Nancy’s physician shared information with Nancy about genital pain and referred Nancy to you to explore the psychological and emotional side of healing from painful sex. Imagine that you are utilizing telemental health when working with Nancy and when responding to the discussion board, consider how utilizing telemental health may impact your work with Nancy.
Buehler, S. (2022). What every mental health professional needs to know about sex (3rd ed.). Springer.
Chapter 3, “Sexual Anatomy and Psychosexual Development”
Chapter 5, “Assessing Sexual Issues”
Nagoski, E. (2021). Come as you are: The surprising new science that will transform your sex life (Rev. ed.). Simon & Schuster Paperbacks.