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Project Overview

You will complete a customer survey for this project. The survey will be used to gather information about shopping habits and give you customer perspectives on service and the shopping experience. Then, you will create a professional presentation to share your survey with a management team.


In this project, you will master the following competency:

Present information in a variety of professional formats

You work for Firm X, a department store with locations across the country. The Firm X brand targets shoppers under the age of 35 and sells clothes, electronics, home furnishings, and more recently, groceries.

Your supervisor, Maria Gonzalez, has informed all employees that Firm X is launching a worldwide change to the types of shopping services they offer their customers. As part of this process, you have been asked to look at how local customers’ shopping habits are changing. Specifically, Ms. Gonzalez wants to know how your customers are reacting to the dramatic increase in online shopping.

To gather the most accurate information from your customers, you will create a survey. Then, you will share it with your store’s management team in a professional presentation. Firm X will use the information you gather to influence its retail strategy. The survey results will also help Firm X decide whether it will invest in storefronts in larger shopping centers.

The growing popularity of online shopping has some retailers examining how they can keep customers coming back.

Ms. Gonzalez feels strongly that it is important to know as much as possible about why your local customers shop the way they do. She also wants to learn more about new trends and shopping options customers would like Firm X to begin using in their business.

To gather this information, you will create a customer survey using the customer survey template in the “What to Submit” section. Your survey should focus on what your customers think about customer service and the customer experience. This information will be helpful in creating a new shopping experience.

In order to motivate as many customers as possible to respond to the survey, it should not contain too many questions. There is no required number of questions, but 10 to 15 questions is a recommended range. You can use multiple choice, yes/no, and short response questions.

Present your survey using PowerPoint, Prezi, Google Slides, or a similar presentation tool. Be sure to include speaker notes so that your reviewer knows what you would say if you were actually presenting. Use the presentation resources in the Supporting Materials section if you need more information about using presentation tools.

Customer Survey

To get started, use the customer survey template in the “What to Submit” section to help organize your survey questions. Other helpful resources can be found in the Supporting Materials section.

Keep in mind that your survey should not be more than 15 questions long. You can use multiple choice, yes/no, and short response questions. Be sure to reach out to a Shapiro Library librarian if you need help finding resources to write your survey.

Professional Presentation

Use a presentation tool to create an 8- to 10-slide presentation that explains the important points about your survey. Review the resources on creating customer experience surveys in the Supporting Materials. These can be used to support the information in your presentation. Be sure to appropriately cite all sources and images.

Remember to include speaker notes for each slide in your presentation. These notes will help your reviewer fully understand your presentation. To learn more about writing speaker notes, use the Speaker Notes tutorial in the Supporting Materials section.

Throughout your presentation, be sure to:

State your message clearly and in a professional business style.
Use visual, text, and layout elements that look appealing and are in a professional business style.
Incorporate universal design principles to make sure all employees will be able to access and use the information. These principles include:
Simple design
Easy to read
Clear layout
Can be applied in other contexts
What to Submit

Every project has a deliverable or deliverables, which are the files that must be submitted before your project can be assessed. For this project, you must submit the following:

Customer Survey
Your survey should focus on how local customers’ shopping habits are changing. The answers will help you understand what kind of customer service experience they expect from Firm X. Take time to create questions that will accurately gather this information from customers. There is no required number of questions, but 10 to 15 questions is a recommended range. You’ll find useful tutorials and resources in the Supporting Materials section. These resources will help you better understand important concepts about customer service.

Professional Presentation
This presentation should focus on the content of your survey. Include visuals, text, and speaker notes. Take time to make sure that these items are clear, detailed, and appropriate for your presentation. You can review the tutorials and resources in the Supporting Materials section if you need to learn more about the elements of an effective presentation.

12.14.23: You’re off to a solid start here! You’ve got some solid questions in this section, but keep in mind that the purpose of this survey is to provide information to management regarding how your customers are reacting to the dramatic increase in online shopping. You’ll want to make sure that most of these questions tie this information into identifying the customers’ shopping habits.

**Please include the Customer Survey Template with your submission.

Please refer to The 25 Most Important Customer Experience Questions Answered and How to Design a Customer Experience Survey

As well as the Learning Resource Communication Methods

12.14.23: To master this criterion, make sure that your speaker notes show that your survey was developed using information provided in Supporting Materials and other Learning Resources.

The information and the resources used will need to be explained and cited in the presentation. This is typically done within the speaker notes.

**Please note that while it is acceptable to have developed many of the questions based on your own personal experience, it is important to show your boss Maria that you have utilized different research material to ensure that your questions will provide the information that you need in order to learn how local customers’ shopping habits are changing.

Please refer to The 25 Most Important Customer Experience Questions Answered and How to Design a Customer Experience Survey

12.14.23: Please make sure that you fully and clearly explain the purpose of the survey and its value to FirmX. You’ll want to do this at the beginning of your presentation so that your audience understands the purpose and what you are trying to accomplish with your survey. Keep in mind that you are presenting this survey to other Firm X managers.

See Project Overview and Scenario.

Refer also to the Learning Resources Presentation Methods as well as Communication Methods

12.14.23: If your image has a watermark (such as Shutterstock) you can’t use that even with a citation. Try Creative Commons or other open-source image sources.

12.14.23: When editing your current slides be sure that you fully incorporate Universal Design principles such as readability and clarity of layout/design.

Typefaces should be large and visible enough to easily read and text and graphics on slides should be legible and uncluttered.

Survey questions should be formatted so that questions and response items are clearly stated and instructions are easily understood.

12.14.23: Please review the information on your slides and speaker notes to ensure it is all clearly written with no major grammatical or punctuation errors.

Refer to the link Academic Support

12.14.23: To master this criterion, be sure that in-text citations are included in the presentation and meet the required CfA Standards for attributing sources. Please ensure that you also include a properly formatted reference slide at the end of the presentation.