Final Social Media Analysis & Plan Report
Using the Part 1: Company Profile and Part 2: Strategic Planning, you will create a social media analysis including a social media campaign, budget, calendar, and evaluation.
Minimum six (6) outside scholarly resources (no older than three years). The textbook should also be used as a reference. These should be either scholarly or they should be from reputable data resources such as or Wherever you can find good, quality data that bolsters your thoughts and opinions on next steps for the company.
17-20 pages
50 points
Due: Sunday, Week 7 by 11:59pm CT
Part 3: Final Social Media Analysis & Plan Report Rubric
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*Please make any revisions based on feedback to Part 1: Company Profile and Part 2: Strategic Planning.
The Final Social Media Analysis & Plan report should include Part 1: Company Profile and Part 2: Strategic Planning, and the following:
Provide an overview of how much the social media campaigns you have identified will cost. You may not be able to find exact figures, but you should have an estimate based on research.
You will need to create a calendar (Gantt Chart) for this proposal. Outline all the strategies, tactics and measurement tools you will be using for this campaign proposal.
The evaluation part of your social media plan is crucial. You need to outline the steps you will take to ensure that you have accomplished the set of objectives of your social media plan.
Legal and Ethical Concerns
Discuss the legal and ethical considers when using social media for a company/organization. Does the company have a social media policy in place? What is included in a social media policy? What other considerations need to be made in the social media policy? If not, what would be included in such a plan?
Provide an overview of the plan, recommendations for future steps, and rationale on why they would work and be helpful for the campaign (1-2 paragraphs).
Include a list of sources referenced in the plan according to APA current edition format.
Preview Rubric
Final Social Media Analysis & Plan Report Rubric
Criteria Excellent
Needs Improvement
Criterion Score
15 points
An introduction to the organization is presented in a clear and concise manner.
The introduction provides insight into the client.
12 points
An introduction to the country is presented in a somewhat clear and concise manner.
9 points
There is a limited introduction.
0 points
No introduction present.
Score of Introduction,
/ 15
Company & SWOT
15 points
Clear understanding of the business’ mission.
Highlights all elements of the SWOT analysis, which contains multiple thoughtful elements in each quadrant.
Data is used to support arguments.
Citations are used.
12 points
Some understanding of the business’ mission.
Highlights all elements of the SWOT analysis at least a basic level, providing two items for each quadrant.
Data is used, but few, if any citations are available.
9 points
Basic or minimal understanding of the business’ mission.
Highlights all elements of the SWOT analysis at least a superficial level, providing at least one item for each quadrant.
Limited or no use of data to support claims.
There are no citations.
0 points
Very little clarity about the business’ mission.
Highlights fewer than all four elements of the SWOT analysis.
No data is used to support claims.
Citations are not used.
Score of Company & SWOT,
/ 15
15 points
Has a clear understanding of the target market from a demographic and psychographic view.
Understands the capabilities of the target market and their needs and wants.
Data is used to support arguments.
Citations are used.
12 points
Has an understanding of some parts of the target market – perhaps from a demographic or psychographic view.
Understands the size and possibility of the target market and their needs and wants.
Data is used, but few, if any citations are available.
9 points
Provides little insights into the target market and what makes it unique from a demographic or psychographic view.
Does not fully understand the size or potential of the target market and their needs and wants.
Limited or no use of data to support claims.
There are no citations.
0 points
Provides little to no insights into the target market and what makes it unique from a demographic or psychographic view.
Does discuss the size or potential of the target market and their needs and wants.
No data is used to support claims.
Citations are not used.
Score of Customer,
/ 15
Primary Research, Strategic Insights & Analysis
15 points
Strategic understanding is strongly presented throughout the post and done in a professional and integrated manner.
Author is very careful in selecting appropriate words to fit commentary and subject.
Strong research (primary and secondary); thorough analysis of competitor social media presence and SWOT analysis leads to well-researched conclusions.
12 points
Good research (primary and secondary); nice analysis of competitor social media presence, SWOT analysis.
Detail for this section is present, but could be stronger.
9 points
Minimum research (primary and/or secondary); basic analysis of competitor social media presence.
Detail for each section is present, but is done with minimal effort and is not comprehensive or thorough.
0 points
Poor or nonexistent research (either primary or secondary).
Detail for each section is not acceptable.
Score of Primary Research, Strategic Insights & Analysis,
/ 15
Goals and Objectives
15 points
Excellent connection and alignment of goals and objectives with previous research, the SWOT analysis and audience analysis.
Strategies and tactics fit perfectly within the overall paper and are backed up with strong evidence and rationale.
Goals follow the guidelines for SMART Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound
12 points
Goals and objectives are somewhat connected, but there are some missing components that could be strengthened.
Rationale for why these strategies are connected are good.
Some connection to previous research and competitor analysis.
9 points
Goals and objectives are slightly mentioned, but not fully connected or aligned with previous research.
Rationale for connection to goals and objectives is not strong or mentioned.
0 points
No alignment or rationale for the tie-ins to the SWOT analysis and previous sections.
Score of Goals and Objectives,
/ 15
Strategies and Tactics
15 points
Provides excellent ideas for strategies and tactics that support those strategies.
All strategies and tactics should align with the research conducted, as well as the SWOT and audience analyses.
12 points
Provides some ideas for strategies and tactics that may not completely align with the research conducted.
References some of the elements of the SWOT and audience analyses.
9 points
Provides either strategies or tactics, but they may not completely align with the research, SWOT or audience analyses.
0 points
Strategies and/or tactics are not present.
Score of Strategies and Tactics,
/ 15
Calendar, Budget; Appendix
30 points
Extremely through content analysis and calendar.
Organized through strategies and tactics.
Perfect calculations.
24 points
Good overview of the key elements in the budget and calendar.
Missing calculations.
18 points
Minimal presence of budget, calendar, and appendix.
Appendix issues pertaining to the timing and cost associated with the budget.
12 points
No budget, calendar, summary or appendix present.
Score of Calendar, Budget; Appendix,
/ 30
Evaluation & Measurement
30 points
Excellent and thorough analysis, recommendation, and connection for the measurement and evaluation.
KPIs are aligned with the objectives and appropriate tools, methods, and services for each platform.
The rationale for why it is key to use is apparent.
Suggestions for future campaigns and measurements are listed.
24 points
Measurement and evaluation are conducted with good list of key metrics and KPIs and proposed evaluation tools and methods.
Brief rationale for why to use these metrics and tools.
Suggestions for future campaigns and measurement are listed.
18 points
Measurement and evaluation are conducted with minimal metrics listed and minimal proposed evaluations tools and methods.
KPIs did not tie in strongly to methods and objectives.
No rationale is mentioned for why to use these tools and metrics.
12 points
No measurement or evaluation included.
Only included vanity metrics.
No aligned to KPIs and objectives, with tools and methods proposed.
Score of Evaluation & Measurement,
/ 30
Legal and Ethical Considerations
15 points
Thoroughly and clearly discusses the legal and ethical implicaitons.
12 points
Mostly discusses the legal and ethical implications.
9 points
Somewhat discusses the legal and ethical implications. Lacks clarity.
0 points
Does not discuss the legal and ethical implications.
Score of Legal and Ethical Considerations,
/ 15
Citations and Resources
15 points
Excellent amount of citations and hyperlinks to relevant articles (20), reports, and resources on subject.
Use of most current APA style
12 points
Moderate amount of citations and hyperlinks to relevant articles (15), reports and resources on the subject.
Use of most current APA style
9 points
Limited number of citations and hyperlinks to relevant articles (10 or fewer).
May or may not use the most current APA style
0 points
No citations.
Not presented in most current APA style.
Score of Citations and Resources,
/ 15
Quality Writing and Proofreading
10 points
Work that is professional ready to be published and broadcasted to the public.
The writing is clear and well-organized presentation; nearly flawless writing.
No grammar or spelling errors.
Writing facilitates strong communication and dialogue.
8 points
Writing is grammatically correct but may lack the organization of A work.
The document is turned in by deadline and needs little revision such as reorganizing, rewriting, reformatting or inclusion of better sources.
6 points
There is a problem in at least one area: grammar, diplomacy or strategy.
It does not measure up to the professional quality, but could be revised to make it better.
There may be minor grammar or spelling errors.
4 points
The writing is confused and/or ungrammatical. The reporting is flawed and may contain major faculty errors or omissions.
There are many grammatical errors.
Style does not facilitate professional communication.
Score of Quality Writing and Proofreading,
/ 10
Paper Length
10 points
Meets the paper length requirement of 17-20 pages.
8 points
Minimum of 15 pages.
6 points
Minimum of 13 pages
4 points
12 pages or below.
Score of Paper Length,
/ 10
Total Score of Final Social Media Analysis & Plan Report Rubric,