Hi! Here’s my Final Project I need help with. Let me know what you think.
Final Project Annotated Bibliography
1. Choose one (1) topic related to sociology. You may choose something that we have discussed in the class; or you may choose another topic of your interested that we may not address in our short 5-week journey!
2. Find 10-12 articles, books, webpages, or other data related to that topic.
3. Create an annotated bibliography in MLA or APA format with the articles that you have found. An annotated bibliography is simply an [always alphabetized] works cited page with a summary of each source situated just below the citation. Here is an example of an annotated bibliography that is properly formatted. This is just a sample! Remember: Strive for 10-12 sources for this assignment.
4. Create a presentation or summary about what you learned from doing this research. Your presentation may come in any of the following forms or more:
a. A 3-5 page essay telling what you learned by doing this research.
b. A spoken word, poem, photography, or original video of your own creation taking the viewer through the journey of your investigations and findings. Be sure to include at least one written page that explains what the viewer will find in these treasures.
5. Upload your annotated bibliography and presentation or summary no later than Tuesday January 30!
*Sample Annotated Bibliography*
Assessment of the Potential Impact of Regulated Marijuana in New York State PDF. July. 2018. Mar 12. 2019. In the Criminal Justice and Public Safety section, the authors bring statistics from the recent years to bring into light how people of color are disproportionally target for cannabis possession than people who are not of color. African Americans in New York are four times more likely to go to jail than anyone else (Assessment). During a report in 2014 when stop and frisk laws were still in effect, white people were 50 Percent more likely to have an arrest made in adjournment in contemplation of Dismissal meaning there was no conviction (Assessment). In 2017, African Americans made up 48 percent of marijuana arrests, 38 percent were Hispanic, and 9 percent were white (Assessment). It is also important to note that the arrests made in marijuana possession were nonviolent and did not lead to any guns or violent crimes. Blaszczak-Boxe, Agata. Marijuana’s History: How One Plant Spread Through the World. LiveSciemce. Perch. Oct 17, 2014. March 10. 2019.
A small article by Blaszczak-Boxe states where cannabis originally came from and how it was used. It was initially founded in Asia around 500 BC before it made its way to the New World. It was first used for many different things, the Germans or Ottoman Empire, would use it for pain relief in pregnant women whereas the Chinese would use it for textiles and clothing (Blaszczak-Boxe). The article continues to talk about the different species found such as Cannabis Sativa, Indica, ruderalis and even subspecies like Hemp, all of these later became illegal in many parts of the world. Chevalier, Zoe. Recreational Marijuana: A Business Boon for States? USNews. Aug 1, 2018. Mar 12. 2019.
People such as Chevalier, see cannabis as the next economic boom and can create jobs for many. Chevalier mentions Colorados Gov. saying that there has been an influx of permit applications, up to 40 thousand, a year and within each permit lies many new jobs and even states there can be more jobs created than in the Coal Industry (Chevalier). Other such as Kevin Sabet state that marijuana can be worse for the economy especially in poor communities because of how many stores do drug tests (Chevalier). Still many cities are for cannabis store because of the taxes to help bring in more revenue to help the city. Doward, Jamie. Legal marijuana cuts violence says US study, as medical-use laws see crime fall The Guardian. Jan 13. 2018. Mar 12. 2019.
Some people such as Doward in this article, said that legalizing cannabis can lead to less smuggling done by the Mexican Cartels around Border States. His studies showed that on average, smuggling would go down 13 percent initially and can even go up since those dispensaries are in competition with the drug cartel (Doward). He continues show how legalizing Marijuana hurts the Mexican cartel by saying it takes 75 dollars to create 1 pound of marijuana and sell it for around 6 thousand dollars whereas in state that has legal marijuana cannot sell you a pound but would equivalent to a couple hundred dollars (Doward). In California alone, violent crime went down 15 percent, across the U.S. homicide went down 41 percent and other such as robbery went down 19 percent (Doward). Johnson, Gene. From ‘no’ to ‘yes,’ how Colorado and Washington legalized marijuana. The Christion Science Monitor. 2012. Mar 12. 2019.
Notions on cannabis started to change during the 90s when the AIDS crises was happening and research on cancer. Doctors started to say that cannabis can quell symptoms caused by chemotherapy and AIDS by Raising appetite and getting rid of pain and nausea however people were still getting arrested regardless of how sick they were (Johnson). The article talks about why and how marijuana became legalized started by airing commercials late at night in Seattle. Women who saw these, aged around 30 to 50 years old, said that while they did not like marijuana, they would want to legalize it for the taxes alone (Johnson). In Colorado, 55 percent of people agreed to legalize it as long as it was regulated like alcohol (Johnson). Legalization, Decriminalization & Medicinal Use of Cannabis: A Scientific and Public Health Perspective. Missouri Medicine. Mar-Apr. 2012 (updated). National Library of Medicine. Mar 12. 2019.
This scholarly Article talks about a quick history of cannabis and how it was regulated and how it became illegal in the past. Cannabis is a schedule one drug meaning that it has a high potential for abuse, no medical use in the U.S, and lack of accepted safety under medical supervision (Legalization). Many other departments such as, the FDA, HHS, Substance abuse and mental health Services Administration and many others also denied the medicinal uses of cannabis (Legalization). The Authors continue to talk about how there are different cannabinoids that are being studied under the FDA however many seem to be synthetic. Authors also list what is affected by it such as what happens to the cardiovascular system, the lungs, immune system, liver etc. Lopez, German. After legalization, black people are still arrested at higher rates for marijuana than white people. Vox. Vox Media 2019. Jan 29, 2018. Mar 12. 2019.
Even though cannabis has turned legal in many states, there is still a huge racial disparity between African Americans and Whites. While arrests made for the possession of cannabis have gone significantly, the arrests currently being made still largely made up of African Americans. In Alaska 2014, White people were still 10 times less likely to be arrested than African Americans and in Washington DC, whites were still 4 times less likely to be arrested for marijuana related crimes (Lopez). In Colorado, African Americans are still 3 times more likely to be charges with a crime related to marijuana (Lopez). Even though cannabis is legal in some states, it still does not erase racial stigmas on cannabis use. McDonald, David. The Racist Roots of Marijuana Prohibition. Foundation for Economic Education. FEE. April 11, 2017. Mar 11. 2019
McDonald wrote this article to show hoe Cannabis became illegal starting with a little history. During the Mexican Revolution, many Mexicans immigrated to the U.S. seeking shelter and a life away from the war, they also brought cannabis. When brought to America, it was the first time that people saw it being used more for recreational use and psychoactive effects rather than for textiles or medicine (McDonald). Politicians started to demonize the drug only when they didnt want so many Mexican immigrants in America and started to spread rumors such as making people into killers or drug addicts. A man by the name of harry J. Anslinger, started the division of narcotics back in 1930 and started
4. Create a presentation or summary about what you learned from doing this research. Your presentation may come in any of the following forms or more: a. A PowerPoint or other slideshow of the main findings of your research. b. A 3-5 page essay telling what you learned by doing this research. c. A spoken word, poem, photography, or original video of your own creation taking the viewer through the journey of your investigations and findings. Be sure to include at least one written page that explains what the viewer will find in these treasures. d. Propose another format for your presentation and we will discuss the possibilities! 5. Upload your annotated bibliography and presentation or summary no later than Tuesday January 30! Extra Credit Opportunities (TBA): Extra credit opportunities will be available as they appropriately arise. Feel free to suggest projects or write-ups that you think are worthy of this opportunity. Book and film reviews are always a good place to start!