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Module 4 Final Project Planning Milestone 1

By the end of this week, you will want to start working on editing and drafting Part 1 of the Final Project – Response Plan.

This section should be around 3 – 4 pages, double-spaced, and is focused on setting the scenario through a detailed threat assessment based on your knowledge of types of WMDs.

Part I: Set the Scenario: Threat Assessment

In this part, you will set the real or plausible scenario in which a violent extremist group or individual plans to carry out or has carried out a WMD attack using a chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear weapon against your local community.

This section will allow you to assess the threat picture and assess which type of WMD may be most plausible.

1) The Threat: Select an international or domestic terrorist group known to have ambitions to acquire or have actually acquired WMDs. Explore the group’s historical ambitions.

Include a counter argument on why experts believe we should not be worried given that we have not seen any significant WMD attack in the United States since 9/11 (Module 1 & Module 4)

2) Terrorist Targets: Make the assumption that this individual or group has ambitions to use the WMD against a target in your community.

Explain why the group would select this target based on their group’s goals. (Remember, terrorist targets are often symbolic!). Consider a target against a critical infrastructure in your community. (Module 1, 4 & 5)

3) Types of WMD: Select one type of WMDs (e.g., chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear) that a group may consider using. (Module 2, 3 & 4)

Refer back to Module 0 for more information: Final Project Guidelines: Response Plan for WMD Attack in your Local Community

Mod 0: Final Project Guidelines: Response Plan for WMD Attack in your Local Community

In this course, you will have a Final Project due at the end of the term titled “WMD Attack Response Plan for _________ (Community/City/County/State/Country)”.

The Final Project – Response Plan will allow you to explore your community’s response to a WMD attack using a weapon of your choosing – biological, chemical, radiological, or nuclear.

This project is cumulative and you will work on it over the course of the class, building the research and writing over the term. Students are encouraged to become familiar with the requirements for the Final Project at the beginning of the course and continue to compile it throughout the term.

For example, you are required to write annotated bibliographies in Modules 2, 3 & 4. You will be able to use this material in your Final Project with very little rewriting or editing required. If you stay on top of your coursework, the Final Project should be nearly written by the time Module 7 comes around in the term.

You will be reminded to consider working on specific sections of your Final Project throughout the term in the “Required Coursework” section of each module. It is very important that you not fall behind in this work given that fast-paced nature of this course.

In your final project, you will design a “Response Plan” to a (real or made up) WMD threat to your community as the Incident Commander of the Incident Command System.

Below you will find a detailed breakdown of the assignment template to use as a guide. Your annotated bibliography and previous coursework should be used in designing this response plan. You do not have to use the template below; it is only a suggested outline for your consideration.

Important Note: You may also choose to reach out to local responders or other relevant stakeholders in your community to conduct first-hand interviews to gain a deeper understanding of your local community’s response plan for a CBRN attack. Should you choose to conduct interviews, ensure they are captured properly in the Works Cited page of your Final Project – Response Plan.

Final Project Guidelines

This paper will be 15 – 20 pages, double spaced. This page count does not include the title page, abstract, or reference list.

Below is a template on how to organize your paper and topics to consider covering in your Final Project – Response Plan.

Paper Title: WMD Attack Response Plan for _________ (Community/City/State/Country)

For your response plan, you must include the components below.

Part I: Set the Scenario: Threat Assessment (CLO 1)

Suggested page count for Part 1: 3 – 4 pages

In this part, you will set the real or plausible scenario in which a violent extremist group or individual plans to carry out or has carried out a WMD attack using a chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear weapon against your local community.

This section will allow you to assess the threat picture and assess which type of WMD may be most plausible.

1) The Threat: Select an international or domestic terrorist group known to have ambitions to acquire or have actually acquired WMDs. Explore the group’s historical ambitions.

Include a counter argument on why experts believe we should not be worried given that we have not seen any significant WMD attack in the United States since 9/11 (Module 1 & Module 4)

2) Terrorist Targets: Make the assumption that this individual or group has ambitions to use the WMD against a target in your community.

Explain why the group would select this target based on their group’s goals. (Remember, terrorist targets are often symbolic!). Consider a target against a critical infrastructure in your community. (Module 1, 4 & 5)

3) Types of WMD: Select one type of WMDs (e.g., chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear) that a group may consider using. (Module 2, 3 & 4)

Part II: Planning a Response: Emergency Response

Suggested page count for Part 1: 6 – 8 pages

In this part, you will assume a terrorist attack using a WMD (of your selection in Part I) has taken place in your community. You are now responsible for the emergency response as the head of the Incident Command Center (ICS).

1) Implications & Dangers of the Attack: Explain and discuss the dangers and implications of the use of the type of WMD you selected on your community.

Specifically focus on the short- and long-term potential physical, economic and psychological impacts. (Module 2 & 3)

2) Emergency Response: Describe your response to the incident and explore the different response mechanisms you have at your disposal (e.g, NPR, NIMS, ICS, etc.). (Module 5).

Which other agencies, entities and/or private sector partners should be included in the response? (Module 5)
Who would fill the positions in FEMA’s ICS organization chartLinks to an external site.? (Module 5)
What responder requirements could and should be considered? (Module 5)

3) Risk Assessment: What types of risk does the use of this weapon now pose to your community? (Module 5)

Part III: Lessons Learned for the Future: Prevention & Policy Considerations

Suggested page count for Part 1: 6 – 8 pages

In this part, you will provide your analysis of recommendations for prevention measures to guard against future attacks. This will include policy considerations that should be taken into account.

1) Prevention: Assess how individuals in your community can be better prepared to prevent and/or respond to this type of incident in the future. Identify where there are gaps in the response currently and make recommendations on how to address the gaps. (Module 5)

2) Policy Implications & Recommendations: Explore which policies would be most relevant to prevention against the next attack. Include policies and strategies relevant to your community that you would recommend updating or changing based on your expertise in responding to a WMD attack in your community. (Module 6)

3) Assessment: Conclude with an assessment of how you would rate your community’s readiness and ability to respond to a WMD attack by a terrorist group. (Module 5 & Module 7)